Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Big Fat Summer Challenge!

I'm definitely late with this posting, mostly because I just got in from a very nice wedding and couldn't post earlier! I didn't quite complete every bit of the challenge, but I had fun doing what I could. Like I said a few days ago, I found out about it so late, I didn't think I'd complete it! I did my best and I hope you enjoy!

Click pics to enlarge!

Here are the results from my whirlwind attempt at wearing everything for the Big Fat Summer Challenge. I don't usually step outside of my comfort zone when it comes to clothing, though that zone is gradually expanding. There were some things I was very reluctant about because, let's face it, my arms are obviously big. They're impossible to hide, it's as if they can think for themselves! Anyways. I found some, what I think, were very clever ways of putting together those options (since I don't own all the different types, I faked it and loved the results!).

I love body hugging stuff, ironically, since I don't like my body all that much. I went for the clubgirl look...since I have tight dresses for the purpose of dancing all night long!

My sister is always telling me I need to stop with the Meg Ryan look. Admittedly, Meg is one of my fashion icons. I love how she brings her beauty to the forefront with baggier attire. Or that's how I look at it. There's something sort of Japanese about it as well. I own quite a few flowy, loose, baggy things so it wasn't hard to put this one together. I'm in love with that jacket...I'd wear it everyday if I could!

To go sleeveless takes quite a bit of moxy for me. I hate my arms, but, for you out in fatshion world, I'll go for it! Plus, I'm in love with me in this outfit.

Short dresses have been my Summer staple, to darken my legs before they go into hiding for Winter and because I'm in love with them. The shorter the hem, the better this Summer! I like the bubble cut, even though it enlarges me a bit. I dig it. I thought the shoes would really emphasize the length of the skirt.

Bathing suits...EEK! I wish I'd taken a picture when I was in California in the beginning of the month. I took this one in the front corridor. I love this suit, so my insecurities were quelled by my love for the suit. I'm glad I did it. :)

Shorts. Well. I hate shorts. That's just fact! Plain, simple, fact. However, I forced myself to be up for the challenge. I picked these up from the Salvation Army, since I didn't own them before. (As noted in a previous post) I just want nothing to do with them, though this made me give them a second thought. I like the length and the simplicity.

Me without my shaper. Well. I have been avoiding that girl for quite a while now! Only for this challenge will she be unveiled! ;) I'm not sure if I cheated since this skirt fits so darn well! I try to make sure that my clothes fit me nicely without the shaper, unless it's form fitting. Jean skirts are my new best friend because they are quite forgiving (like their legged counterparts). Just a tip, ladies!

Strapless was also an improvisation. Can you tell? I don't think it's obvious, really. The way this dress flows makes me feel confident about going without and shoulder/arm protection. I feel a bit naked, but I'm trying not to think about it!

The maxi dress never happened, sadly. I didn't own one and never got around to picking one up, but I still wanted to share what I could do!

My personal selection had to be special, it had to highlight my biggest fatshion fears while making me feel beautiful. That's quite a tough one. At first, I wanted to go naked--do some tasteful maneuvering to assure appropriateness. Then my mind jumped from that, to this, a halter top showing off as much arm as possible. I hate it, but anything for a challenge!

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