1. I'm drinking hot coccoa!
2. My Pandora is on the Heatmiser station right now.
3. I am freshly employed.
4. Life is beautiful.
5. I'm exercising regularly.
In honor of this lovely day, I'm going to do multiple posts. (Since, technically, I owe the blog-o-sphere for my absentee-ism.) And I just want to.
This first entry will be a lot of my favorite things. I usually don't share what I'm loving at the moment, but I feel communal right now. As that demon said in the Bible, "We are Legion." :D
A. Over the past couple of days, I've embraced my body more and more. I just love the things I can do. That said, the hippo and I have formed a true bond. We're round, but strong. That's who I am. I love it. I am actually planning a trip to the zoo to get my own shots of hippos to hang in my apartment. This smug mug is a perfect expression of Hippo and Me. From WheeTreasures.
B. In accordance with embracing myself and simplicity, I'm wearing my hair naturally, as it sits atop my head without any help. That sort of beauty is encompassed in this print from AFroDisiacs.
C. I'm in love with decals right now. All sorts of decals. this decal just brings so many great elements together. Cute kitties, birds, and a tree! From ClipArtDecal.
D. I'll admit. I have a favorite etsy seller that I turn to for jewelry. I pick favorites! I just love the cheeky style of her designs. Yep, I'm talking about thelovelyteaspoon! This cute anchor necklace is one more reason to love her stuff. It's absolutely adorable! That little heart is the perfect touch. :) So sweet!
E. What's cuter than moustache pins? Nothing at all. Except perhaps kittens wearing moustaches. Pins from MustacheandFriends. Plush from cordialkitten.

F. I'm always fascinated by the octopus. Eight legs, super smart, and very ugly. (Or so we'd think!) This cutie is defying the odds by being totally adorable, wearable, and subtle. I love everything. From Alwynstore.
G. I'm into oddities (which I'm sure you can tell), and I love owls (yet another obvious one). So, when those two loves came together with this strange bank, I just had to share! Imagine tossing pennies in there and bringing that bad boy in to the coin star machine! From jayne2333.
H. Small, sweet, muted objects are completely timeless. I'm always searching around for another great find. This petal ring does the job famously. It can be worn with a gown or a t-shirt and jeans. I'm in love with versatility and this piece has it! From littlebugjewelry.
This entry came so easily. I think I'm at a more creative and open place. I'll be sharing on this blog way more often. (Funny, now that I actually have things to do, I want to make time for it!) Everything about this flows. I love you guys! Adios.
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