Things are gonna be a bit different with this post. I want to make it more "true to life" or something. I'd like to include more tidbits about what I'm actually wearing/doing/buying. My cell camera is decommissioned at the moment, but there will be stand-ins when needed.
I've resumed some old habits when it comes to jewelry this past week and started going for nostalgia. I'm perpetually nostalgic. In fact, I heard the perfect quote today in a movie called 'Kicking and Screaming' (by Noah Baumbach, a fave of mine) to perfectly describe how I feel about anything in the past.
"I'm nostalgic for conversations I had yesterday. I've begun reminiscing events before they even occur." It's completely true for me. I love memories and old things and the past in general.
Well, the good parts of the past. The bad parts I try to put into a tiny mind compartment and forget.
I've been wearing mementos on my neck, a little rock my friend gave me, a locket I bought myself to put pics of my little siblings in, all at once created a consortium of different, but not opposite, emotions in me.
I love memories. On that note, I want to share some excerpts from some great Oscar Wilde poems. Hopefully they connect to you as they did me. I find them melancholy and very true to actual feelings rather than any physical reality.
"Long listless summer hours when the noon
Being enamoured of a damask rose
Forgets to journey westward, till the moon
The pale usurper of its tribute grows
From a thin sickle to a silver shield"-The Garden of Eros
"Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll
Scrawled over on some boyish holiday
With idle songs for pipe and virelay,
Which do but mar the secret of the whole...
I did but touch the honey of romance-
And must I lose a soul's inheritance?-Helas
If it seems an odd jump to you from poesy to fashion, we're clearly different folk! We're all made up of many parts and each one should get it's fair shake, yes?
As you can maybe imagine, when I'm feeling nostalgic and poetic my thoughts go to nature. I found a few GREAT animal items that would swing quite nicely with my current necklace! I wish I had more free cash or I'd snag a ton of this stuff!
Whale watching is something I've always wanted to do. Whenever I move to LA, I'll spend my weekends reading on the sand and watching for whales on the rocky piers!
This necklace is a very classy rendition of those giant mammals that fascinate we tiny folk!

Since we've already established I
l-o-v-e owls,
this necklace is perfect. Did I mention the owl is my spirit animal? Plus, I'm a big fan of shiny things. ;)

Of course, I'm super into old school anything and Wilde makes me wax poetic and nostalgic for him time. Not the whole persecution and stupidity part, but the style and perfection of dandyism.
This sweet pocket watch is absolutely unmatched. It's a bit pricey, but for such a beautiful piece. It doesn't tell time anymore, but it transports you back in time!

There's something sort of beautiful in
this dilapidated tree print that I can't help but love. It's simple and sweet. It's meant to please aesthetically which makes it open to your own symbolic interpretation, which I love.

To makes things a bit more personal, I want to share my latest super cheap shoe find. :) I bought a snazzy pair of Sperry's for $15 at Burlington Coat Factory! They have them of sale
here for ~$90 (you might have better luck on eBay or some other option). The shoes look great and will transition awesomely into fall and possibly winter (with the right treads added). It's a simple, but very classy shoe that can transition from school/work to play with ease. You choose how to dress them up, or if you even want to! I have only worn them totally casual so far and love the results. I have them in brown but there are many colors options available!

Whoa! I just hit a plateau of energy! I'm going to watch an episode of Bones, eat some banana smoothie (that I froze and am eating like sherbet!), and go to sleep.
I hope you enjoyed me new style and sorry it ends so abruptly, but the wave of tired just smacked me in the head!
G'night! :)