Today, I feel really chill. I woke up a bit later than I planned, but I don't feel any stress about it. I made it to class on time and now I have almost two hours to idle before my next class as of this moment. I've got Julieta Venegas in my headphones and things can only get better! :)
At the moment, I'm shopping phones as I'm considering a switch from my stone age phone to a Blackberry or something like it. My heart is set on the Blackberry Curve. It has a prepaid version now, so I'm pretty much on it. I'm not good on commitments! I'm trying to "step my game up" lately regarding the things I own. Higher quality bags, nicer shoes, a better phone! I'm trying to force myself into adulthood. My wardrobe shall no longer be consistently t-shirts. This has been happening gradually, though. I rarely wear casual outfits anymore (like I am today, hoodie and jeans! In my defense, it's freezing out there!).
I also want to get serious about my Spanish. I don't plan on taking anymore classes, but I want to learn on my own time. Juanes' Una Dia Normal album is certainly not helping to ease my frustration! His voice is so great and I understand *some* of what he's saying, but I want to know it all! Moving on.
Today I have two etsy favorites! One being a lovely leather bag and the other being a cute phone cozy! Check 'em out. :)
I usually try to avoid using a seller that's already in the Etsy Finds e-newletter, but I completely adore this one! Her bags are reasonably priced for being handmade, though they're a bit higher than I'd usually spend. I may buy one of these lovelies soon, as I've been looking to upgrade and am not a huge fan of name brands. This bag from hoakonhelga is beautiful! I can see myself walking around campus or the mall with that bad boy on my shoulder! Look!

This little phone cozy is great! I love the kitschiness of moustaches. They're masculine and yet silly. Love 'em! Not extremely grown-up, but it has clean enough lines that I forgive myself for being so darn childish! From the seller NORMandLOU. :)

I must admit, I had a hard time choosing a phone cozy with the huge number of options Etsy has, but that one and others from that seller are so sweet--they won out!
I am so hungry, but I've vowed to stop eating out so I have to be hungry until after my discussion section ends at 3:40! I plan on devouring some pot roast I made after the roast entry! Today, I'm thinking a nice drink recipe will keep my mind off the food I won't be eating for a bit. Check out this tasty looking white Sangria! Doesn't it look beautiful?

Right now, I'm checking out some cool air plants on apartmenttherapy.
Whew! Today's entry covered a wide scope and there was tons of researching going on on my end to get this done! It's funny how much effort goes into blogs, when I initially imagined it would take 5 minutes tops and be total brilliance. Silly me! ;} But I love it!